7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. (Office)
Report Absences by calling / Reporte su Ausencia llamando a:
Leave your child's name, class or teacher's name and reason for absence.
Si su hijo/a va faltar a la escuela hable al numero de arriba y deje el nombre del alumno/a, nombre del maestro/a y el razon por su ausencia.
Regular attendance is one of the best predictors of success in school. It is necessary that students come to school regularly if they are to progress with their class. Everyday something new is presented in each subject, and, if a student misses the introduction of new work, it is difficult for them to make it up. When absence from school is necessary due to illness, family emergency, or any other reason, parents should call the school office before 9:45 AM. Iowa Elementary school number is 303-751-3660. Parents will be contacted if a student is not in school and there is not a notification from the parent/guardian. An excused absence must meet one of the following criteria:
- If a student is ill and it is confirmed by a doctor's note when the absence extends past 2 days.
- If a student is absent because of a school sponsored trip.
- If a student is absent for the general welfare of the student (dental and medical appointments, illness). Although we encourage the following:
- set up the appointment on days we are not in school or after school.
- bring your child to school before the appointment or after the appointment if it is a routine check up.
- If a student is absent to be with relatives because of a serious illness or death of an immediate member of the family.
- If student is absent, and it is in the opinion of the building principal that the absence was in the best interest of the student's family.
All excused absences must be confirmed with a phone call or note from the parent/guardian. Students are expected to complete school work missed for an excused absence. It is the student's responsibility to contact their teacher for missed school work and schedule time to complete all missed work.
Prearranged Absence:
If a student is going to be gone from school, arrangements with the school office and the student's teacher should be made regarding makeup work.
Prolonged Absence During The School Year
Prolonged absence taken during the school year is discouraged. In class instruction is important, and a student misses out on this instruction when gone. At those times when a student must be absent, not due to a medical condition, for an extended period of time during the school year such absence may be excused, provided each of the following conditions are met:
- Absence of the student must be arranged a minimum of one (1) week before the scheduled absence, except in the case of emergencies.
- The student must be in good standing in classes.
- Class work/homework will be assigned by the teacher(s) prior to the absence.
- Pre-arranged class work/homework assignments are due the day the student returns to school following the absence. The student must make arrangements with the teacher(s) to complete these assignments on their own time, such as before or after the school day. Any assignments not completed may be graded as a "0" for that assignment by the teacher(s).
- Pre-arranged prolonged absences may not exceed ten (10) consecutive school days. Absences longer than ten (10) consecutive school days may result in a truancy report being filed.
*This procedure does not apply to students missing a prolonged period of school because of a medical condition that prevents them from attending. Absences Students missing more than ten (10) days in a semester because of illness will be required to provide a doctor's note. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence being recorded.
Unexcused Absence:
An unexcused absence is simply an absence not covered by any of the previously described excused absences. A truancy report will be iled for any student who is considered truant as defined in Aurora Public School Policy.
Being on time to class is considered very important for the student and for the class he/she is attending. When your child comes in late, it interferes with other student's learning, the teacher's right to teach, and your own child's learning. The reasons for having your child to school on time go beyond just the interference. By law, children ages 6 to 17 who are enrolled in Colorado schools must attend school. Attending school means being to school and picked up on time every day. Tardy is any time after the 9:10 morning bell rings at Iowa Elementary. Parents will also be contacted for tardies. A conference may be necessary to determine the cause and a solution. A tardy will be given for time gone up to 1 hour and 59 minutes after the beginning bell. Any time beyond this will be considered a 1/2 day absence for the morning. It is stated as 1 hour and 59 minutes because 2 hours is considered "absent". An unexcused absence of 2 hours or more is considered an unexcused absence for a significant part of a school day for purposes of reporting for truancy.
Colorado State Law requires children to attend school regularly and on time. State law also requires that we monitor the attendance of all students and report those who are truant to the District Court. Remember that truant students are those who have excessive absences and/or tardies.
Change of Address or Phone Number
It is very important that parents maintain up-to-date address, telephone number and emergency contact information for the child's/children's school office records. Please go to the Parent Portal on our home page to make any updates on address, phone numbers and emergency contacts. Help us keep your students safe by keeping your contact information up to date.
Contact the front office if you don't know your log in to parent portal.